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Bee Boy
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Anonymous Coward
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(If you'd like to add a question, go to the <a href="ask.ph7" title="Ask a FAQ">ask page</a>.) (If you'd like to add a question, go to the <a href="ask.ph7" title="Ask a FAQ">ask page</a>.)
-Responses on the FAQ page are contributed and maintained by the site's authors and readers in an ongoing collaboration, sort of like <a href="http://www.wikipedia.com/" title="Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia" target="link">Wikipedia</a>. Anyone can make changes to any response on the FAQ page; simply click the "Edit" link, type in your changes, and the modifications are published immediately. (All previous edits are archived, so erroneous posts can be repaired without too much trouble.) Again, your information is accepted according to whether you choose to login or provide it, just like when you post comments.+Responses on the FAQ page are contributed and maintained by the site's authors and readers in an ongoing collaboration, sort of like <a href="http://www.channelone.com/" title="Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia" target="link">Wikipedia</a>. Anyone can make changes to any response on the FAQ page; simply click the "Edit" link, type in your changes, and the modifications are published immediately. (All previous edits are archived, so erroneous posts can be repaired without too much trouble.) Again, your information is accepted according to whether you choose to login or provide it, just like when you post comments.
With regard to why, who can say? It seemed like a fun way to have a flexible, responsive FAQ section that grows stronger from the ongoing contribution of the community. With regard to why, who can say? It seemed like a fun way to have a flexible, responsive FAQ section that grows stronger from the ongoing contribution of the community.