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Oh, dammit...—9:06 PM

Stanley Tucci was on The Daily Show tonight to talk about The Terminal and I'm reminded – as I always am, whenever I see him – how much he looks like Peter Sellers. And, particularly in films like The Impostors, he has very similar comic mannerisms.

Separated at birth?

So, I checked online because I know there's this movie coming up called The Life and Death of Peter Sellers. Surely, reason would prevail and Tucci would play Sellers! Not so. Geoffrey ("Arrrr, missy!") Rush. Damn.

Worse yet, Tucci is in the movie, but he's playing Stanley Kubrick. The ultimate injustice, having to sit around and watch someone else do it. Plus, woe be us, the pitiful moviegoers. We have to suffer through another Adrien Brody/Jim Caviezel mirror-image identical-costar death march.

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