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We're boppin' along in our barrels...—9:52 AM

As fate would have it, the Wonderfalls theme song played randomly on my iPod during my unusually eventful commute into work this morning. Even more surprisingly, as I was singing along, I burst into tears.

I suppose I'm in a sort of fragile state these days (when am I not?) but this was a shock even to me. I think hearing it, and knowing that I was mere hours away from being reunited with Jaye and her pals, I was just overjoyed. I never realized how much Wonderfalls meant to me, but now I'm starting to.

I think it's partly because in my mind it stepped right into the hole in my heart left by Ed. As much as I adored Ed Stevens, Jaye is a character who's more like me: she is a good person and wants to do good things, but she's a little too cynical and self-involved to schedule special time for it. Wonderfalls has the same warm heart and silly tone as Ed, but it's sarcastic where Ed was syrupy.

The song also reminds me of the free and breezy style of the show – Jaye's whole life is kind of happy and uncluttered. Sure, she's got problems (family, situations at work) but she's self-sufficient and comfortable with her place, even if her overbearing parents would like her to show more initiative. I often think I'd like a life like that.

I was planning to drop the DVDs on the shelf when I got home tonight and save them for after the Super Bowl, but now I don't know if I can wait. It feels like a reunion with an old friend after a long time apart. Wonderfalls was taken away from me prematurely, just as I was starting to love it – and now I'll finally get to pick up where I left off.

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