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The Aristocrats—9:34 AM

Alert reader Brandon passed along this story from the New York Times:

The Greatest Dirty Joke Ever Told

(As always, if you need a free password to access the article, consider borrowing one from bugmenot.)

What starts out as a recount of how tasteless humor shattered the morbid stranglehold of September 11 turns into a nuanced evaluation of "indecency" in our country, and the (repeating) history of attempts to squelch it. He touches on HBO's brilliant Deadwood, Lynne Cheney, the Hays Production Code, and – of course – shitbag mouthpiece Ari Fleischer.

My frenzied reading list has taken me through the Hays years twice in the last month or two (once semi-fictionally, once historically) and each time I think, "He he! Another year or so and we'll be living through Hays Redux."

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