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Movie Tournament (of Movies)

# MTM: The voting so far Link

A chance to catch up on the past voting in this year's Movie Tournament (of Movies)

A year at the (movies) 02.17.06

The Wayback Machine recently reminded me of one of onebee's more enjoyable traditions: the annual Movie Tournament (of Movies).

MTM: Round One! 02.20.06

And we're on our way! Help choose the best movie of 2005 by voting in the Movie Tournament (of Movies) over the next two weeks. Sadly, there was no room on the bracket for The Splendiferous Zeppelin Escapades of Filliam H. Muffman, but I'm sure we can still have a fair tournament.

Round One Continues! 02.21.06

Round 2 Under Way! 02.24.06

On to Round Three! 02.28.06

This year's Movie Tournament (of Movies) keeps on surprising. We're into round three now, and it's starting to look like a showdown between bawdy (but smart) R-rated comedies. Shame the Academy couldn't recognize the same value.

Movie Tournament (of Movies) Finals! 03.02.06

Wow, I really thought it was going to come down to Wedding Crashers and The 40-Year-Old Virgin – as you can see by my post the other day. It certainly seemed like both had the most momentum, and it made perfect sense to me. Both are very popular and well-made comedies. But, Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a pitch-perfect action adventure, and Shopgirl is nothing short of spectacular, so of course I'm delighted to see them in the final round as well.

2006 Movie Tournament (of Movies) Champion 03.03.06

And with that, Shopgirl has won this year's Movie Tournament (of Movies). We had quite a few challenging match-ups, and no shortage of surprises, but I think we've picked another great winner this year.
