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Jameson's Birthday (Observed)

It feels like something should have happened by now...

While the official commencement of my 26th trip around the sun won't be until approximately 4:00am GMT on January 15th, we're celebrating today in accordance with American custom.

Birthdays, particulary those with sickeningly round numbers like 25, are a time of reflection. Which, in and of itself, isn't such a great thing. Well, maybe it is if you're Matt Damon. My time has been spent trying to figure out where I went wrong. It's not that I'm so miserably unhappy (TiVo has made it his personal responsibility to keep me very content), but I definitely don't feel as though I've achieved anything that I thought I would achieve by now.

I know what the problem is; I just don't necessarily know where it came from. The problem is my inability to effectively challenge myself. It's relatively easy for me to succeed at whatever is placed in front of me, and I've become complacent – satisfying myself with doing just enough to get it done and never overextending myself or pouring my whole being into something. (Except for lavish yet unrequited attempts at romantic relationships.) For the last few years, I've been cheerfully blaming the USC School of Cinema-Television for knocking my choo-choo off its track, but maybe the seeds were planted even earlier.

Divining the source of the issue could take years, but resolving to reinvent myself and look at my 26th year as a jumping-off point for a new approach can start today. Here's hoping!

(Note: Also reinvented today – my website! A fresh design, a few new ideas, and a renewed commitment to up-to-date content... enjoy!)

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