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Near-Encounter with Fame, Glamour, Cheetos—12:00 PM

As has become absolutely necessary in this cruel, harsh workaday world, I visited the Burke Williams Day Spa in Santa Monica this weekend for my semi-regular appointment of Pure Relaxation Massage and fifteen or twenty minutes spent casually looking away from dangling middle-aged penises in the jacuzzi.

As I do, I parked at one of the nearby parking structures and walked southeastish on 4th street toward Santa Monica Blvd. Right before the corner, there's a door to a lobby with an elevator that takes you up to BW. Outside the door, on the sidewalk, I noticed a small bunch of people hanging around with various cameras and sound equipment. My first thought was "guerilla indie production" because of the boom mike and video camera, and the way everyone was acting just a little too casual. But as I got closer, I realized that there were way too many still cameras for that, and no talent. So I guessed they were probably paparazzi (didn't notice Sizemore, though). I resisted the urge to spit on them, and headed up the elevator.

I really didn't give it that much more thought, although I did glance around briefly at the check-in desk to see if Tom Cruise was checking out or something.

Lo and behold, today I find out how close I came! Apparently, BW staff had whisked Britney out the back door just before I got there. (I checked in at 3:18 pm)

Britney Spears: The Last Hours Of Singledom [Defamer]

Now that I know who it was, the number of photographers seems kind of small. I wonder how long those chumps waited around before they realized they'd been given the slip. Seems like a weird way to spend the day, waiting to shoot her picture in case she does something embarrassing. Although, these days I suppose the law of averages is on your side as far as something embarrassing happening.

2 Comments (Add your comments)

BrandonWed, 9/22/04 3:20pm

and fifteen or twenty minutes spent casually looking away from dangling middle-aged penises in the jacuzzi.

Yeah, I do that too, over at Coffee Beanery. No jacuzzi though.

"jzo"Fri, 9/24/04 11:24am

"I resisted the urge to spit on them, and headed up the elevator."

Spitting on paparazzi is evidently out of vogue.

From Sir, With Bile

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