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Oh, come on. It isn't that hard.—2:08 PM

The Butterfly Effect purports to be a photograph of a butterfly in flight. It might be. It might not be. Jon Hicks could be right, this could just be shot from beneath a glass table that it's sitting on.

Or it could be Photoshopped. Like this:

I just googled an image of a dead butterfly pinned to a board and another image of the sky, added some legs and highlights, then regenerated the antennae. Took less than an hour.

I've done more complicated stuff for the 'Porter. This would be considered easy for the 'Porter.

Saddam Hussein in a Lakers uniform

But I'm glad to hear the phrase "Butterfly Effect" getting some more play. Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart did their part. Now if only people associated it with its actual meaning, Ian Malcolm would be so proud.

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