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Jon Stewart on Fresh Air—12:15 PM

Not to be missed:

Jon Stewart [NPR]

He's such a great talk show guest because he's just as funny as he is on The Daily Show, but he can be a little more insightful. (Which I maintain he could do on his show, but he feels compelled to play to the live audience.)

He makes a fantastic point about the difference between funny stand-up and making your friends laugh when you're hanging out, which I've often pointed out relating to writing as well. When you're hanging out with friends, the setup is already given to you, you just have to make it funny. On the stage, you're responsible for setting every joke up. In the same way, my Survivor material is much funnier on McThursday than it is on this site, because I'm just responding to the ridiculous show as it spews out of the TV.

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