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On DVD In Two Days—9:19 AM

The Day After Tomorrow will be released on DVD Tuesday. An ad for the DVD on TV last night featured these title cards spliced among scenes from the film:

You can't escape it.

You can't run from it.

Funny, I saw the movie. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't all that bad. And from the moment the storms hit, pretty much all anybody does is run from it and try to escape it. I don't want to give away the ending, but if you think about it most Hollywood movies don't end with a frozen wasteland and every character dead.

So, can you run from it? Can you escape it? It kind of seems like maybe you can.

1 Comment (Add your comments)

BrandonSun, 10/10/04 11:18pm

So, can you run from it? Can you escape it? It kind of seems like maybe you can.

The storm? Yes. The ad campaign? No. It will clearly destroy us all.

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