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It's On!—10:00 AM

As you're no doubt aware, the Wayback Machine section of this site's homepage sheds new light on stuff that happened here a year ago. And, about a year ago is when this section of the site (the part you're reading now; the shorter-form "entries" as opposed to the longer "columns"; the "blog-like" part of the site, if you must) really began. It will be spotty for the first few weeks, but starting around March we should have a pretty steady diet of entries in the Wayback Machine almost every day.

Which I've been looking forward to since its inception, because it means more daily homepage content, and it'll be a hoot to see what I was all worked up about back then. The columns (on average) tend to have more of a shelf life, but the entries are usually nothing more than knee-jerk ranting about some topic of the day – which will make the antiquated ones all the more hilarious. (For example, I believe we're in for a few solid days of ranting on the whole Echostar/Viacom fracas here in a couple of weeks.)


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