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Welcome to the Next Great Personality Quiz, sponsored in part by Holly. To participate, submit your vote and explain your choice in the comments section.

At age 75, I'd rather be...

a librarian.
a museum docent.

5 Comments (Add your comments)

Bee BoyMon, 11/29/04 9:13pm

I put "museum docent" because there's a greater chance of hanging out with dinosaurs, and I think dinosaurs are cool.

BrandonMon, 11/29/04 9:56pm

I put "librarian" because I saw Foul Play 24 times in the course of like a year back when my grandparents first got HBO, and Goldie Hawn's character was a librarian.

Wait a minute... that's a terrible reason to do anything.

Anonymous CowardTue, 11/30/04 11:36am

Docent. Partly for the hours, as I said before, and partly because I think archeologists are sexy. Sure, I'll be 75, but I don't think that would make my archeologist fantasies any less realistic than they are right now.

"Holly"Tue, 11/30/04 11:37am

Wait. That previous comment was me. I forgot to put my name down.

"KOTC"Wed, 12/1/04 6:18pm

Docent is tempting for the reason's noted above, however, I choose librarian for the bookend effect... (pun intended). I had a great time in the student work-study program as a librarian my freshman & sophomore years... so its only fitting that I would return to my roots.

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